Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Burton Blunt Snowboard Red

sites Create and use educational

Course: Web 2.0 in the Secondary Classroom Session
Work in the CPR Azuaga (Badajoz). April 28, 2009

's blog has become a tool very popular web 2.0. Today is undoubtedly the best to publish multimedia content of all kinds. Its special structure makes it suitable for periodicals, which appear arranged in reverse order (most recent last).
not store files as other websites. But with the use of links, easy access to anywhere.
Many free services allow us to create blogs: Blogger

The shaker

Here we will use Blogger (Google).
With this manual you know perfectly how it works.

Why a blog?
I recommend you read these articles

Blogs for what you want? (de Lourdes Domenech)
For classroom blog served (of The Shed)
Creating and using Blogs Education (IES San José-Badajoz)
Different aplicaciiones the blog in the Elementary Classroom (Internet in the classroom)
Use teaching of blogs (the ISFTIC)
The classroom experience blog (the ISFTIC)

1.Create our first blog
initial 2.Configure: Time , comments, email, employees.
3.Make the first post: We 4.As a cloud
insert links, pictures and videos
5.Add ornaments:
  • Modules Blogger Party Services (HTML form): watches, temperature meters. ...
  • can use these directions: Feevy (to put news) The tiempo.tv (To set the time), Ecoestadística (Business Statistics), Feedjit (For the visitor traffic ),.....
The Blog of Daniel Sanchez on coeducational blogs, you can see in more detail how to set up and decorate your blog Edit

Blog template can view this article you explain it in detail. Metro

Blogs grouped This would be similar-themed blogs.
can see this example for Primary English Blogs.
can create a world of blogs quickly with Planetaki . Microblogging

In recent times it is becoming fashionable and is being widely used by the ease and simplicity of these services, which allow you to publish content (brief) very quickly and at the same time providing a social network that puts contact with other people in your same interests.
The most important and used right now is Twitter. Simply register and choose the contacts. The usage is very simple. Customers can install
Twitter for this sevice on our computer. If you do not want, be satisfied with a Firefox extension ( TwitterFox ), which is integrated into the browser.

I leave here a presentation of JJ de Haro teaches us this tool.

Basics Tutorial twitter

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Orkester Soundbank Iso

Blogs Web Edition : Google sites and other web 2.0 tools

Course: Web 2.0 in the Secondary Classroom Workshop
in CPR Azuaga (Badajoz). April 27, 2009

Web 2.0 and online applications make it possible to create and publish content in an easy and fast. You no longer need be an expert in programming languages Web: Html, java, php, ... or use specific programs such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver.
just need an internet connection and within minutes, and we have published what interests us and so being able to share. This easily causes us to focus on content and not the means to do so. GOOGLE SITES

Google Sites is a free tool that enables us to create Google web sites. To highlight the ease to create collaborative websites, and store files. Adaptable to both individual sites and to smaller groups.

Google Sites Presentation
View more presentations from capileiratic .

can visit these sites are public
advanced ICT Training
My Inglés site
Educational Resources on the Web
ICT Coordination

  1. Create the site
  2. We add 3 different pages, file cabinets, blog, web.
  3. set up a page that unifies all (homepage)
  4. We add a side menu
  5. We do permits and public / private


Jimdo . (Example: http://formaciontic.jimdo.com /)
Weebly. (Ex. http://capileiratic.weebly.com/)
Schoolrack . (Example: http://www.schoolrack.com/dmelop/ )

Sometimes we may want to record a web site (which you usually will have more than one page) for work offline. Keeping it as a file on your hard disk can have the site and even upload it to a platform for their use without to resort to the Internet.

In Linux type into the terminal: wget
     -r-p  http: / /  www.ejemplo.com 
This page explained in detail as you would other cases

In Windows
Install the program: httrack

may also be practical "Save as PDF
With PDFonfly can convert a web directory format PDF.

obtain flash files from a web
Once we have the page open. We click on Save As . Let
where you downloaded the desktop and localize normally in a folder with more elements flash files that identify the extension . swf

Friday, April 24, 2009

What Is An Ideal Population Wards Ap Lab 8

Discount Legalization Effects II

At the entrance of March 16, 2009, we told you about how to account for the discounting, but leave pending the posting in case the client does not meet payments on its debt to the expected maturity sufficient to be subject for another blog. And as you know, Gazelle Circle team likes to keep his word and we are committed to this issue so, here we go!

Discounting to default by the client at maturity.

We have accounted for the sale, we continue to take the seat for the effect to the bank for discount:
572. Banks
665. Interest discounting (for the amount of interest)

BE 5208. Discounted effects
debts come due
When the client pays no effect, the bank charges us for the return and accounted as follows:
5208. Discounted effects
debts 669. Other financial expenses (gtos. return) to 572.

banks now have the debt with the bank, so we have to reflect accounting discounted trade bills that are outstanding now, we'll do the next seat:
4315.Efectos outstanding business to business 4311.Efectos discounted

What we need to do next is girarle our client a new letter which will include the debt to us the cost of return and interest for the delay, the entry would be: MUST

4310. Commercial purposes
portfolio HAVE
4315. Unpaid bills of exchange
769. Other financial income

Once these steps, we hope that the customer actually pays this new effect due, for posting you refer the entry of March 16, which may also help you to understand when this post today.

From the Department of Management Circle Gazelle hope as long as this information will be useful and podais that apply to your day to day business, and who knows ... accounting someday will not have secrets for you ...
A greeting and the next ...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Son Inpregnates His Mother

publishers and educational resources Management

theoretical and practical sessions aimed at teachers of the college of Lanjarón

Issues: Google Reader
  • Educational Resources Search the Web
  • Creating a Blog with blogger


: To keep abreast of the latest news web sites.
  1. We access Reader
  2. We subscribe to the site that we are interested in copying and pasting the address on Add Subscription. We look if the site has the RSS icon. Examples of subscriptions
  3. interesting
Education Educational Resources Flash Resources
our class Recursostic-cole

News of the Ministry of Education

What else can do?
  1. we want
  2. Find out everything published somewhere between
  3. Share via email through a web eoa
  4. Translate Label



can visit the following website was used to teach a training course. Here we find not only places to look for resources, but also utilities and guidelines to manage and implement them in the classroom.

Educational Resources on the Web


    We access
  1. Blogger
  2. follow the wizard began to publish

Why and for a blog? You can read and learn
entering these pages:

For classroom blog served
(of The Shed)
Creating and using Blogs Education (IES San José-Badajoz)
Different aplicaciiones the blog Elementary Classroom (Internet in the classroom)
Use teaching of blogs (the ISFTIC)
The classroom experience blog (the ISFTIC)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Microsoft Hotline Number Free

Today we will leave some of the accounting side to dive into the legalization of books because as you know in 2008 is taking its last legs as far as accounting and taxation is concerned, one of the last steps us is precisely the legalization of books whose term ends on 30 April.
From Circle Gazelle, we want to clarify any doubts that may arise over this issue, because the date is fall and it is good that we caught unprepared, so here goes ...
Who should legalize books?
Every employer required to keep accounts.
Where are legalizing books?
In the commercial register of the place where the employer is domiciled.
What books do I have to legalize?
1. The book of inventories and financial statements that will open with detailed initial assessment of the company. At least quarterly rewritten to amounts and balances trial balances. Also rewritten the year-end inventory and annual accounts.
2. The journal that will record every day for all operations relating to the business of the company. Is valid, however, the total joint annotation of operations for periods not exceeding one month, provided that your details appear in other books and records consistent, according to the nature of the activity in question.
What time do I have?
Books must be submitted within 4 months of the financial year, which is why the deadline is April 30, 2009 .
If the legalization application is made on time and the books have no errors, the probate registrar shall within 15 days of submission.
Should I keep the books?
If there is an obligation to preserve the books, correspondence, documents and evidence related to his business properly sorted for 6 years from the last entry made in the books, except as established by general or special provisions. According
Tax legislation sets a deadline of 4 years for the preservation of books and other documentation since this is the limitation period.

IMPORTANT: The cessation of the employer not exempt from the requirement to maintain documentation, even if the employer dies this obligation applies to your heirs.

These are the basic questions we face when dealing with customers Circle Gazelle, if any of your questions not settled or need more information, see the following link: commercial code.

hope you have been helpful, we are in next post ...