Tuesday, January 26, 2010

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Module II Module II

  1. To explain and reflect on the way to include project work in the classroom dynamics.

  2. Make a project proposal

  3. promote this type of work among teachers


  1. features, applications and functionality teaching projects

  2. Types of ICT resources best suited to these tasks


1 .- Joint Evaluation of the proposed tasks in the third session. Problems, experience, assessment, application to the classroom .... etc.

2 .- tour of the project "Telling Stories" (Indalo CEP) or any other

3 .- A brief description of ICT resources used


  1. Debate: What does the project work, difficulties, advantages, development of basic skills, timing, ..

  2. conclusions as a summary of the main contributions. One of the attendees take note of the findings (this will become a blog post).


1 º) In pairs or in groups, design a potential project, including what kind of ICT resources used in it.

2 º) Create a project using Google web sites. Designed as a wiki for everyone to collaborate and participate.

3 º) Contributions indicidual or group on the conclusions of the workshop.

Monday, January 25, 2010

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Session 4: Session 3


1. Highlight the importance of developing basic skills in all levels of education.

2. Analyze the formal and conceptual characteristics of these ICT educational resources and educational potential for the development of basic skills.

3. Promoting this type of work among teachers with other computer resources to bring about a change in methodology. Contents

1. The development of basic skills: communication language, mathematics, knowledge and interaction with the physical, cultural and artistic, social and civic learning to learn, autonomy and personal initiative, information processing and digital competition.

2. The bank of resources developed by the Pablo de Olavide CEPR.

3. Applications for the development of these tasks.

1 .- Joint Evaluation of the proposed tasks in the second session. Problems, experience, assessment, application to the classroom .... etc.

2 .- Provide resources to develop basic skills of Pablo de Olavide backpack containing the Structure, which develop different skills, content, levels, etc.. Is one (s) as an example
  1. Debate on resources
  2. conclusions presented above
  3. as a synthesis of the main contributions. One of the attendees take note of the findings (this will become a blog post). Workshop

1 º) A comparative study of two different resources to its possible application in the classroom immediately. Analyze the adjustment, the methodology, area, place in the programming, such as teaching unit, ...
4 groups will be formed. Findings will be published on the blog

2nd) Create a resource for developing skills. Mount a web sites using Google .
Elements: Introduction
  • Tasks (resources and activities)
  • Skills Assessment Credits
From the study of the task "the Olympics", to analyze which aspects of different core competencies are developed throughout the activity. Reflect the analysis in the class blog

Monday, January 18, 2010

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Module II Module II

  • To inform the teaching resources offered by the ITE
  • reflect on the didactic potential of these ICT resources
  • ITE Educational resources for all subjects.
  • Social Bookmarks (delicious, Mr. Wong ,...)


1. Joint assessment of the tasks proposed in the previous session
2. Explanation of the main resources of ITE
3. Debate on the resources of ITE
4. Working with markers Social: Creating a joint account (the password is known by all)
5. Comparative study of two applications included in the digital backpack
6. Reflect the conclusions in the blog. Tasks

  • study an application pack. Reflect on the blog
  • Find and record resources for the third year of primary school on the social bookmarking account

Resource Bank

self Courses for teachers:

distance learning courses for teachers:
http://www.isftic.mepsyd.es / training / enred / forms / cursos_f.php

educational applications developed by the classroom teachers: http://www.isftic.mepsyd.es/formacion/enred/experiencia/index.php

Didactic Resources Primary:

Resources and guidance for families with school-age members:

Information general, resources and training:


Mr. Wong
http://www. mister-wong.es /
Use and raise resources

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Session 2: Session 1 ICT School

  1. To publicize the objectives and methodology Working for the course.
  2. Create a blog for sharing information and experiences
  3. reflect on educational possibilities of ICT resources

  • Education Resources Language Arts, Math and Environmental Awareness
  • The blog as a tool
collaborative work session Development:

1. Presentation of the objectives and methodology of the course
2. Creating a classroom blog:
  • example was created as a blog on "Blogger" to collect coursework. Attendees can also create your own blog.
  • will be a blog where the password is known by everyone.
3. Discuss on the usefulness of a blog. Watch the presentation "Project Blogging in the classroom." Discuss resources that contains the digital backpack.
summarizes the main contributions (one take note)

4. Making personal contributions the blog (posts and comments) on the issues discussed above.
A comparative study of three applications for the backpack: "Self Portrait", "Numbering" and "Plants." In small groups discuss the adaptation methodology, area, programming, teaching unit, ....
Collect the results in the blog. Tasks

Visioning the resort "Motril Islamic" and its possible immediate incorporation aula.Reflexiones on the characteristics and usefulness of such resources. Visit
Resource Bank.

Resource Bank:
recommended page to create ICT resources:

How to treasure hunt: http:/
/ observatorio.cnice.mec.es / modules.php? op = modload & name = News & file = article & sid = 563

How to webquests:


Creating blogs:

https: / / www.blogger.com/start?hl = is
Blogs in Education:
https: / / sites.google.com/site/escuela20modulo2/blogs-en-educacion

This script of the session has been developed based virtual classroom CEP Cuevas Olula

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2.0: Module II

this training module has been called Classroom 2.0: Practical Applications .
is aimed at teachers who have acquired basic ICT skills.

Objectives: Develop lesson plans incorporating digital materials. Contents

  • Presentation and exploration of contextualization
  • activities (curricular and ICT): Inclusion of them in the relevant teaching units. Application
  • classroom teaching units developed.
  • making contact with web 2.0 resources
Duration: 6 sessions. Hours
: 20 contact hours. 10 hours non-contact

These are the themes for development in the 6 sessions :
  1. 2.0 Presentation and teaching units
  2. content and educational materials for E. Internet Primary Classroom
  3. Force to develop basic skills by project work
  4. Links Educational / learning technology