Monday, February 1, 2010

Dark Suits On Skinny Men

Module II: Session 5

1.Providing educational links for teachers to ensure the quantity, quality and variety of all types of educational resources that facilitate the incorporation of new technologies of information and knowledge in primary classrooms and the possibility of work with the computer offline.
2. Consolidating on the faculty the ability to surf the Internet with specific criteria in finding appropriate educational resources for practice teacher.

3. Motivate the teachers in developing their own original material means and resources.

Content. 1.The
educational links: Averroes , ADD , MEDIVista , Guadalinex, and others. 2.Didáctica
ICT (knowledge of the environment, art education, citizenship education, physical education, English language and literature, foreign language, mathematics, primary methodological guide.)
3.Tutoriales: documentation and video.

1 º) Joint Assessment tasks proposed at the fourth session.
2 º) Explanation of the main features of the various educational links.
3 º) Explanation of the components of a teaching unit of any matter included in "ICT Curriculum."

1.Exposición ideas and arguments, opinions and experiences on educational links submitted. 2.Conclusiones
as a synthesis of the main contributions. One of the attendees take note of the findings (this will become a blog post).

1 º) Valuation of an links and selection of materials for possible application in the classroom.
2 º) Working Offline, test programs included in Guadalinex,
3 º) individual and group contributions on the conclusions of the workshop.