Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My Dog Ate Loaf Of Bread


Friday, December 26, 2008

Reduce Treadmill Vibration


One of the fundamental tools of Gazelle Circle customers to your business move forward are the loans, today there is no business or professional who does not have any funding for your business.
When accounting for the loans we find two accounts within the General Accounting Plan:
short-term loans (542.) And long-term debt (171.), Depending if the maturity is higher or not año.Ambas liabilities are accounts and collect the debt owed by our company with the bank.
From the accounting department will circle Gazelle special stress upon it correctly in the accounts record loans, because doing so will make planning for the debts of the company both short and long term.
Accounting for a loan with a maturity greater than one year would be as follows: LIABILITIES

the capital to return the first year will go to the account 542. JI p. and the capital to pay the remaining years to 171. debts / p. ACTIVE

cash account where we enter the resulting amount of the loan, will be the 572. the bank that granted the loan.
also be recorded charges before the loan, so the amount of fees and expenses of opening the account will go to 626. Banking and similar services.
The posting regular payment of loan installments will be as follows:
office share the liability to the bank account 572. relevant and active, first generated interest in the 662.intereses of debt and the capital to 572. short-term loans
Gazelle Circle Council: Before closing the accounting year, we realized short-term loans to zero, thus to calculate the pay capital next year and will transfer that amount from the 171. long-term debt to short-term 572.créditos.
hope you have been helpful, so long

Friday, December 12, 2008

Stomach Diseases List


Today we take a break from our basic accounting concepts to clarify some common questions received Gazelle Circle.
When it comes to sales or purchases of our company, we at the borders of countries, we must take forward our company and many times the domestic market makes us small, that is why many customers Gazelle Circle pose problems of how account for intra-community purchases with Britain, but could serve this clarification for other countries with currencies other than the Euro.
intra actually a purchase in the UK to a English company is not subject to VAT (although there are exceptions to clarify in future issues to be discussed), therefore, one should take a seat intra-provider spending. The amount would be in euros, so we have to look at the current exchange rate and apply it. Anyway
intra purchases should be reflected in the book of incoming invoices with VAT zero.
The seat would be so, although each program is different in this accounting treatment,
---------------------- 6. expenditure account 41. Intracom provider (For the amount in Euros) ------------------------------------------

------------ 472. Iva sop. Intracom to 477. Iva rep. Intracom (For the 16% tax of the amount above)
-------------------------------------- ----------------
The VAT is neutralized, it is reversed, but this is reflected in the book of invoices.
At the time of payment to the supplier, is a day other than the date of the invoice, you probably have a different exchange, so the difference will go to exchange gains or negative.
A trick!: wait to post the invoice with the same change of date of payment.
retake our concepts in brief basic, when we hope to have clarified this issue.
you soon.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How To Write Sympathy Card Cancer


is increasingly common for employers to call us who decide to carry themselves with accounting software, programs esots accounting terminology used is unknown.
One of the tasks from Circle Gazelle, we intend for this blog, is to make all these terms are understood and cease to be so strange. Let's start
assets and liabilities:
Assets indicates what we have and what they owe us.
liabilities COME WHERE makes it clear that we have, and what we owe to third parties.
Let's see a small but useful summary: ACTIVE

buildings, furniture,
customers, banks, cash, vehicles
, commercial
receivable, machinery, etc. LIABILITIES

suppliers, letters payable, mortgages, loans
, creditors, etc.
Speaking of assets and liabilities will inevitably have to make reference to heritage, heritage of a company is made up of property, rights and obligations, ie what we have, what we should and we must.
From Circle Gazelle and with the help of accounting team intended to make it understandable these terms that every business or professional is forced to use every day, hope you have been helpful.

Monday, December 1, 2008

For Sale Used Black And White Wedding Decorations

an educational center Web 2.0

Workshop training course within the ICT Coordinator.
Motril, Tuesday December 2, 2008.

The theme is the presentation of a series of web 2.0 tools that can be very useful in any school.


To start an introduction to web 2.0 .
For those who do not know what it is, this video explains it very well Educastur. It's called Web 2.0 and education.

2. Details
  1. Email: Gmail
  2. Calendar and Events: Calendar
  3. Photos: Picasa Web Albums
  4. News and Updates: Google Reader
  5. Online Documents: Google Docs
  6. Blogs: Blogger
  7. social marker: Delicious
  8. Home: Building Websites
  9. iGoogle: Google sites
Alternatives to these tools:

  • Email and Calendar: yahoo
  • Photos: Flickr
  • Documents Online:
  • Zoho Blogs: Wordpress Scoreboard
  • social
  • : Mr. Wong
  • homepage and news reader: Netvibes
  • collaborative Webs: Wikispaces

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie First Sport Appearance

Accounting Basics Accounting for spending Christmas gifts

Christmas is here, and what better to start our blog accounting Gazelle Circle a topic for our customers asked repeatedly and in successive years, I mean how the costs are accounted for at this time are made on the basis of business meals, gifts to employees, customers or suppliers?

First we have to distinguish the costs incurred to employees and gifts / hospitality taken / as with suppliers, customers, etc.

In either case the input VAT on such expenditure is deductible in the absence of consideration over the same (no sale), Article 96.1.5 of VAT Act, which comes to tell us: no input tax deductible on the acquisition of goods and services for attention to customers, employees or third parties. Therefore

seats would be as follows:

a) Employees (food companies, baskets ....)

649. Other social expenditure to 57. Treasury

b) Suppliers, Customers and other (gifts, baskets ...)

627. Advertising and public relations 57. Treasury

Eye! Parties agree that these expenses are not deductible for corporation tax so there will be to make necessary adjustments.

you soon