Friday, December 26, 2008

Reduce Treadmill Vibration


One of the fundamental tools of Gazelle Circle customers to your business move forward are the loans, today there is no business or professional who does not have any funding for your business.
When accounting for the loans we find two accounts within the General Accounting Plan:
short-term loans (542.) And long-term debt (171.), Depending if the maturity is higher or not año.Ambas liabilities are accounts and collect the debt owed by our company with the bank.
From the accounting department will circle Gazelle special stress upon it correctly in the accounts record loans, because doing so will make planning for the debts of the company both short and long term.
Accounting for a loan with a maturity greater than one year would be as follows: LIABILITIES

the capital to return the first year will go to the account 542. JI p. and the capital to pay the remaining years to 171. debts / p. ACTIVE

cash account where we enter the resulting amount of the loan, will be the 572. the bank that granted the loan.
also be recorded charges before the loan, so the amount of fees and expenses of opening the account will go to 626. Banking and similar services.
The posting regular payment of loan installments will be as follows:
office share the liability to the bank account 572. relevant and active, first generated interest in the 662.intereses of debt and the capital to 572. short-term loans
Gazelle Circle Council: Before closing the accounting year, we realized short-term loans to zero, thus to calculate the pay capital next year and will transfer that amount from the 171. long-term debt to short-term 572.créditos.
hope you have been helpful, so long


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