The first Circle of Healing Spring this Saturday Ribes 26 of 11: 30 to 14:30
Happy Spring! Saturday March 26 I hope we can celebrate together the seasons change itself through our bodies and souls with yoga, meditation in motion and in silence. We join our wishes for everyone going through this time so intense with the best possible peace and integrity.
After the meditations take a tea and pica-pica (if you can bring something vegetarian) as we share our experiences of meditation and other activities we do.
To make room for spring, move the energy from our homes and to be more "green" if everyone can bring up to ten items of clothing you want to donate, you can give to other women in the circle and / or Help Center. We will decide together the site for the donation. Last time, we decided to give the clothes to the Caritas here in Sitges.
As always, contributions Circle EQUIS-will go to FGM. X-FGM is a partnership, established in 1998 with the aim to raise awareness and eradicate the practices of female genital mutilation Pan-African in Spain.
Will (Suggested contribution is 15 euros)
This coming Saturday, and circles will be in the Integral Yoga Center , C / Milana 29, Sant Pere de Ribes.
April 30 May 28
June 18
If you want to offer a meditation, dance?? with the circle below, contact me.
will put a small speaker in the cups I'll goddess, the music circle, my pendants and earrings for sale sacred symbols.
As always, the circle is open to all women.
I am also willing to start a class Yoga for Relaxation weekly on Wednesdays from 20h to 21:15 We will do exercises and meditations to ease the tensions of the day. Write to me for more details.
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