In 1957 an Irish doctor named Denis Parsons Burkitt conducting research in Africa on a type of tumor that affects the region of the head and neck in children. After several years of studies and compilations, concluded that the tumor was node type and, in some cases, it seemed a lymphosarcoma. The tumor was present in children of all ethnic and group located in central Africa. It remained to investigate the cause of lymphoma.
Burkitt in 1961 gave a lecture on their work at the Middlesex Hospital, London. One attendee was Michael Anthony Epstein. Epstein thought behind this type of cancer could be some virus. Burkitt asked samples and his assistant Yvonne Barr were cultured in vitro continuous lineage lymphoid tumor cells where a virus finally became visible: it was the Epstein-Barr virus, which causes the familiar " infectious mononucleosis, and is now known to be a potential oncogenic activity of B cells, which can lead to problems if you turn on factors not fully understood. Epstein
In 1964, Bert Achong and Yvonne Barr published a paper in the journal The Lancet in which gave news of the discovery of viral particles in cultured Burkitt samples sent. It was the first time mentioned a virus in the genesis of cancer in humans.
work Author: Salom Climent, Gloria.
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