At 27 years and is assistant to the prominent French bacteriologist Vincent Massol. After a rare holiday in Bulgaria, the young doctor returned to the laboratory of Prof. Massol with a pot of yogurt that had made her mother curdle. Asked the teacher some guidance and stuck to the microscope ... After long experiments able to discover and isolate the bacteria that causes fermentation of milk which has the effect of product now we all know as yogurt.
In 1903 Dr. Stamen Grigorov published a scientific paper on his discovery and two years later presented a report on the Bulgarian yoghurt at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. In his honor was discovered the new bacterium called Bacterium bulgaricum Grigoroff .
A special contribution to the dissemination of fame of the Bulgarian product is the Russian biologist Ilya Mechnikov. According to his theory, published in 1908, the main cause of human aging is the accumulation of toxic substances in the body and the effect of putrefactive bacteria in the colon. The Bulgarian bacteria, said the scientist, retains the development of pathogenic bacteria thus delay the aging process of the body.
funny thing is that this bacterium, which finally became known as Lactobabilus bulgaricus, has specific characteristics and qualities only in the territory of Bulgaria. To be transferred to other geographical latitudes, although the mutated and obtained his help yogurt tastes very similar to the original Bulgarian properties are not the same and "lose the effect of retarding aging."
Despite having made an important discovery, his true love was not practical medicine and scientific research. Although he invited to stay and work in Geneva, he returned to Bulgaria and was in charge of the hospital in the small Bulgarian town of Tran, southwest of the country. His biggest dream was to combat tuberculosis which in the early twentieth century was a real curse for Bulgaria. In 1912, Bulgaria began a long and difficult period of successive wars. Dr. Grigorov goes to the front. That serves thousands of soldiers and civilians wounded or sick of cholera. A lack of adequate drugs and anticipating something English microbiologist Alexander Fleming, discoverer of penicillin, get relieve the state of their patients and even cure some of them feeding them bread mold, fungus covered penicillin. Dr. Grigorov is decorated with a Cross of Valor and the Red Cross of Gold
After the First World War and returned to the hospital in Tran. Having rejected two invitations to work in Geneva or in Brazil, it accepts a hospital in Milan, Italy, where he again devoted to the treatment of tuberculosis. Dies in Bulgaria on October 27, 1945.
work Author: Trescolí Briz, Salome.
After the First World War and returned to the hospital in Tran. Having rejected two invitations to work in Geneva or in Brazil, it accepts a hospital in Milan, Italy, where he again devoted to the treatment of tuberculosis. Dies in Bulgaria on October 27, 1945.
work Author: Trescolí Briz, Salome.
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