Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What Healed Ringworm Looks Like

One of the operations we have to perform at least once a month where we have employees, will be the payroll accounting. Clients Circle Gazelle take us questions about these seats and the quantities which must reflect the accounts in each of their accounts.
The experience gained over the years in direct contact with customers Circle Gazelle has shown us that the best fastened to explain something is always graphically and clearly, so when payroll accounting, the seat make would be: should
640. Salaries and Wages .- by the amount resulting from the sum of all elements of pay that we pay our employees.
642. Social Security in charge of the company .- by the amount the company pays for Social Security social insurance concept.
For having:
4751. HP Creditor .- withholdings in the amount that the company retains workers as income tax.
476. Social Security Agencies creditors .- by the amount of the bill 642 plus the portion of Social Security for the deductions made to employees.
465. Outstanding remuneration .- This amount must correspond to the liquid we pay to workers.
At the time of payment of payroll employees, we recorded the following:
465. Remuneration payable to 57x. Treasury
The main entry may include other accounts, if there are advances in our payroll, compensation or remuneration species, the allocation of these concepts would be made as follows:
- in the case of payments in kind add the following line to the main entry:
648. Remuneration in kind to 755. Income from personal services
- for payroll advances, added by having the main entry, the account 460. Advances of pay.
- If given severance seat would be a separate entry to read as follows:
641. Compensation 4751. Creditor HP
465. Outstanding remuneration
and at the time of payment:
465. Remuneration payable to 57x. Treasury

How ever, from the Department of Management Gazelle Circle, I hope you find this helpful.
you soon.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Wards Ap Lab 8 Angelfire

As Payroll accounting invoices discounts

- Circle Gazelle, good morning
- Hello, good morning. How to post an invoice with discounts, how many times have we heard this question from one of our customers Gazelle Circle is beginning to take charge of their accounts? Many times, so we will try to explain some type of discounts that may appear on invoices and accounting treatment.
The first difference to consider is whether the invoice is issued or received. Today we discuss the invoices received, ie, those purchases made by us to our suppliers and creditors. When
post an invoice received we can find a discount for early payment, volume discounts for purchases and trade discounts.
- Discount for early payment, discounts and similar are not included in the bill that granted us the suppliers for payment in cash or on certain dates.
- Rappels purchases: are discounts and the like that apply to us for having reached a certain volume of orders. These are taken directly as a decrease in stocks.
- Commercial discounts: Just minora the invoice value
We must remember that according to the PGC, "any minora discount the value of the purchase, so the value of our stock is the value of the stock minus the value of the discount.
see an example:
buy 100 units of product X to 100 € c / u, we apply a discount for early payment of 200 €, for a cash payment. The proveeor we apply a rebate of 300 € and a trade discount of 1 € for each unit.
The seat is as follows:
- On the debit side:
9900 (600) Purchase of goods
- For having:
(609) 300
Rappels on purchases (606) Discount for early shopping 200
payment (570) Fund, 11,000 euros

The trade off 1 € 100 € unit are subtracted from the amount of purchase.
In the event that this transaction would be subject to VAT, would have to calculate the amount of purchase less the three discount and then apply the VAT rate. Gazelle
In Circle we understand the complexity of some accounting issues, it still does not cease in our efforts to try to explain and clarify any doubts that may arise regarding the easiest way possible. We hope this information will be useful for your day to day.
you soon

Monday, February 16, 2009

Dodge Ram Bolt Pattern To Fit Wrangler

Experience Gazelle Circle supporting our customers has shown us that have good funding to help them achieve the best results for their businesses, which is why all employers are sounding terms such as: leasing, renting, discounting, factoring, loans, credit facilities, etc. Today we treat
how to account for such a tool as useful for our day to day business, the credit facilities .

We have to distinguish two moments in the accounts:
1 .- When we attach the policy at this time normally pay some expense fee, among others. This seat will carry it out as follows: ____________________________

626. Banking and similar to 572. Banks

____________________________ When we attach the policy we must also reflect in the accounts that we have the money: ____________________________

572. Banks in 5201. Debt ac / p for credit provided
2 .- When we have money from the policy: ____________________________

57x. Treasury 572. ____________________________

when banks pay interest on capital provided: ____________________________

662. Interest on debts to 572. ____________________________
3 .- When they cancel the credit facility, which would reflect as follows: ____________________________

5201. Debt ac / p for credit provided to 572. ____________________________
Gazelle In Circle we will not tire of insisting on the importance of keeping good accounting and have a good accounting advice to avoid mistakes.
When applying for funding banks ask us to tax and accounting documents of our company, given the difficult time when we are growing, so we must always remember that the accounting reflects the situation of our company and this image has to be as accurate as possible.
In other entries explain how to account for different forms of financing.

you soon.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Use Veet Genital Area

Suppliers Credit facilities or lending Post

We want to take the opportunity provided by this blog Gazelle Circle each day to reach more people and to clarify doubts of the most repeated statements from our customers:

"Provider or Lender?

The difference may not seem very important but we must learn to differentiate properly for accounting purposes, we must have in mind:
  • Suppliers (400), buyers collects debts with goods and other property as defined in group 3 (stocks) as well as services provided are intended for a major life activity. Included in current liabilities of the balance.
  • Creditors (410), collect the debts with service providers who do not have the strict condition of suppliers. Listed as such on the balance sheet. Creditors are included in the following services:
- leases and royalties
- repairs and maintenance
independent professional services - transport
- Insurance premiums
- like banking and
- Research and development expenses for the year
- advertising, propaganda and public relations
supplies - other
To see these differences more clear we give an example: For
owner of a bakery, those that supply flour, sugar, eggs ... are their suppliers. These products are essential for the production and retailing of cakes.
But his lawyer, his manager, the phone company, a company that has installed an alarm or a shop that has sold about computers, we provide a range of products and services that are clearly not related directly to the main activity of the company, the latter would be its creditors.
The seat structure is: _______________________________

600. Purchases of goods
472. VAT HP 400.

providers _______________________________ _______________________________

external services 472. VAT HP to 410. _______________________________

The intention of the Department of Management remains Gazelle Circle make the accounting easier for entrepreneurs and freelancers to those questions arise every day that we hope will be clearer from this space.
you soon.