Sunday, February 13, 2011

Most Comfortable Bicycle Helmet Most Cool

Healing Circle on Saturday February 19 in Sitges

Eager to see you for the healing circle, harnessing the power of the full moon (which is Friday).

For this reason we met in Sitges Lulabay, C / Sant Josep 36. From the window you'll see the store, but inside is a beautiful room. We follow the same schedule as usual from 11:30 h to 14:30 h.

shall give you the silent meditations and moving. We celebrate with our bodies and in the company.

To help move the energy from our homes and to be more "green" if everyone can bring up to ten items of clothing you want to donate, you can give to other women in the circle and / or help desk. We will decide together the site for the donation. Last month decided to give the clothes to the Caritas here in Sitges.

will take a tea and pica-pica (if you can bring something vegetarian) as we share our experiences of meditation and other activities we do. We can also talk about how we can support each other to reach our full potential in 2011 and participate in the task of helping to improve our world.

As always, Circle contributions will go to EQUIS-FGM. X-FGM is a partnership, established in 1998 with the aim to raise awareness and eradicate the practices of female genital mutilation Pan-African in Spain.

Will (Suggested contribution is 15 euros)

Next circles for 2011 will be at the Integral Yoga Center, C / Milana 29, Sant Pere de Ribes.

March 26 April 30 May 28

June 18

If you want to offer a meditation, dance?? with the circle below, contact me.

will put a small speaker in the goddess that I will have cups, music the circle, my pendants and earrings for sale sacred symbols.

As always, the circle is open to all women. Please share this information with your friends.


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