Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Baby Blueberries Back Stool

Leishman, William Boog (1865-1926)

born December 6, 1865 in the city of Glasgow (Scotland). Studied at Westminster School and the University of Glasgow.
In 1887 he joined the Navy Medical Service as a surgeon. In India he studied a disease called Kala azar and enteric fever.
On his return to the UK in 1897, was at the Victoria Hospital in Nettley. Was an assistant professor of pathology at the Naval Medical School where he contributed to the improved Romanowsky techniques (methylene blue and eosin) for staining of parasites, including Plasmodium malaria producer.
In 1901, while examining preparations of the spleen of a patient (affected by Kala azar), observed some intracellular oval bodies and published his findings in 1903. Simultaneously, Charles Donovan, of the Medical Service of India, also found these bodies in another patient suffering from kala azar. In this way they discovered the protozoan cause of Kala azar or visceral leishmaniasis, which Leishmania donovan denominarnon i, in honor of its discoverers.
Leishmania is a genus of protozoa, parasite whose life cycle includes the sandfly and midge or a suitable host such as man, among others. Leishmaniasis is a set of clinical manifestations produced by several species of the genus Leishmania. It is considered that at least 20 Leishmania species cause different clinical forms of disease that may occur. The World Health Organization considers leishmaniasis that are distributed worldwide, being endemic in tropical and subtropical regions. Leishman
also came to clarify the life cycle of the spirochete duttoni, which is the cause of African relapsing fever, caused by the tick Ornithodoros.
died on June 6 1926. Author
work: Bañón Gutierrez, Sonia.


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