Thursday, January 3, 2008

Recipe For Jack Astors Garlic Pan Bread

Craighill Lancefield, Rebecca (1895-1981)

born January 5, 1895 in Fort Wadsworth (New York). She studied at Wellesley College (Massachusetts) and Columbia University (New York), where his doctorate in 1925. He was also Professor of Microbiology at the University from 1958 to 1965.
In his career conducted extensive research in the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. In 1973 he was awarded the title of Doctor of Science from that institution.
Its main contribution to the world of microbiology is derived from their studies on the antigenic nature of carbohydrates present in the cell wall of streptococci. As a result, came to establish a serological classification of different types of Streptococcus currently being used. Thus, the Streptococcus pyogenes belongs to the Lancefield group A, S. agalactiae belongs to group B, etc.
died March 3, 1981.
work Author: Pastor Martinez, Agnes.


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