Sunday, January 20, 2008

Where Do City Birds Sleep

Spallanzani, Lazzaro (1729-1799)

Born in Scandiano, near Reggio (Italy) in 1729. He was appointed professor of physics and mathematics at the University of Reggio, in 1757, and on logic, Greek and metaphysics in Modena and natural sciences in Pavia, a city where he died in 1799. Thanks to his research
gave the name of "biologist biologists." He was a person of many interests scientists investigated: the origin of life, regeneration tissue respiration and other functions of human beings. Passionate
problem of spontaneous tissue regeneration of body parts of amphibians and reptiles but could not reach satisfactory conclusions, especially not explain why it was not the case in humans and other animals. Spallanzani
also showed that there is no spontaneous generation of life , opening the way to the theories of Pasteur. In 1769, after rejecting the theory of spontaneous generation, Spallanzani experiments designed to refute those made by the English Catholic priest John Turberville Needham, who had warmed up and then sealed beef broth in various containers, because they had found microorganisms in the broth after opening the containers, Needham believed that this demonstrated that life arises from nonliving matter. However, prolonging the period of warming and more carefully sealing containers, Spallanzani was able to demonstrate that these wines did not generate microorganisms while the containers were sealed. The dispute between Needham and Spallanzani was long and bitter, as the English claimed that Italian cooking destroyed the vital spirit and Spallanzani proved that the only thing was that cooking destroys the bacteria spores, not a principle of life in nature mystic.
also Spallanzi worked in artificial insemination and implementing it demonstrated in an experiment with a couple of dogs, injected with a syringe at a bitch and sperm that became pregnant. At the same time, thanks to this experiment demonstrated the importance of sperm in the fertilization process.
work Author: Vila Serrano, Sara.


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