Wednesday, April 27, 2011

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We welcome the healing circle on Saturday April 30

We gather in the Integral Yoga Center , C / Milana 29, Sant Pere de Ribes, from 11:30 to 14:30. Will (Suggested contribution is 15 euros) .

This month the contributions of the Circle will go to support the International Council 13 Indigenous Grandmothers.

For The Next 7 Generations Trailer from Laughing Willow on Vimeo . We

some activities with them in mind and heart. There will be movement and silent meditations and mantras native americanas.Compartiré I'm learning in a course with Grandma Flordemayo,
THROUGH THE internet.

After the meditations take a tea and pica-pica (if you can bring something vegetarian) as we share our experiences of meditation and other activities we do. Again

move power our homes and to be more "green" if everyone can bring up to ten items of clothing you want to donate, you can give to other women in the circle and / or help desk. We will decide together the site for the donation. Last time, we decided to give the clothes to the Caritas here in Sitges.

The next circle will
May 28
June 18

will put a small speaker in the cups I'll goddess, the music circle my pendants and earrings for sale sacred symbols.

As always, the circle is open to all women.


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